1. I just saw this on Twitter. When will this start?

  2. Interesting concept, looking forward to learning more about this!

  3. Jenna, we're working hard in the background to bringing you a great website that will rock your world! Another 6-8 weeks hopefully. Sign up to receive the official notice. :-)

    Kathy, thank you for your comment!

  4. I like this blog and the content itself it is clear and it is very well written.I am interested in this blog i will visit this in the future and looking forward to read more of your topic.

  5. I am thrilled to learn about the income
    opportunity and to work from anywhere in the
    world. I am eagerly waiting to know more details
    about this.

  6. Thank you both for your kind comments! Looking forward to keeping you posted - we're equally as excited!

  7. Wow, sounds great!
    Are you an accredited university?

  8. What types of Social Networking classes do you offer?

  9. Most of the people feel so unsecured about themselves so lesson for gaining confidence would be a very helpful. Good job !
    How can we participate in Abundance University and how much does it cost?

  10. Hi Claire,
    We are not an accredited University since we there is no official start date and end date. We simply offer practical tools that expand your overall awareness to life and give you the know-how to be a successful entrepreneur. We want Abundance for all!

  11. Hi Veronica,
    Thank you for your inquiry, we offer various types of social networking classes ranging from Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, HubPages, Digg, Delicious, Article Writing, Blogging, etc. If there is anything in particular you're looking for, just tell us and we can tell you if we're in the planning stages of a particular class.

  12. Hello Aryal,
    Thank you for recognizing that confidence is a major issue. Yes, it's probably the number 1 thing that holds people back from moving forward! We've seen it over and over again, and we're so glad to offer classes that will help with this topic!
    There will be 2 types of memberships at first. The free version will give people access to all of our blog posts and they can purchase each individual class for themselves as they see fit. The classes and products will range between $27 to $97 with a few exceptions of products that may be higher as they may be longer classes.
    The paid membership will include the classes and courses, approximately 2-4 courses are included each week. The membership will cost approximately $3 per day. It'll be under $100 per month.
    So instead of paying $27-$97 PER class you get 8-16 courses per month for less than $100. Now that's what we call an opportunity! :-)
    The best part is that you can cancel anytime and keep your login information active at no cost so that you don't lose any of the products you've paid for. You'll have access to what you've paid for even though you may decide at one point to cancel your membership. Isn't life great!?
