(Please note that this is our temporary placeholder page. We are working feverishly in the background to bring you an amazing new site in just a few weeks' time.)

We are meant to live life with the foundation of love and plenty of abundance!

If you're ready to surround yourself with love and live in abundance in all areas of your life, then you've come to the right place.


Here at Abundance University we believe that true abundance touches all areas of your life:
  • Your Family
  • Your Health
  • Your Business
  • Your Spirituality
  • Your Wealth
  • Your Retirement
  • Your Romantic Relationships
  • Your Friendships and Support System
  • And much more...
We believe that you are the center of your Universe and you need all of these areas in our life to be harmonically balanced in order to truly live an abundant life!

Our job is to provide you with quality content that inspires and empowers you to believe in yourself. We believe that you have a glorious mind and that you already know all things. We're here to help you lift any disbelief and teach you practical steps so you can experience true freedom at your core so you can live the life you have always dreamed of.

Here at Abundance University we believe that one of the reasons many do not experience love fully or achieve true abundance in their life is because of imbalance in one or more areas of their life. Life is meant to be lived in perfect harmony and that is exactly what you'll learn here.


We teach you whole-brain integration by teaching you left-brained topics such as:
  • How to write a Business Plan
  • How to make sense of Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • How to make a living on the Internet (writing articles, blogging, etc.)
  • Effective Goal Setting that brings result every time
  • How to Retire in no time!
  • And much more...

We also teach you right-brained topics such as:
  • Overcoming Fear of Success and Abundance
  • How to surround yourself with Mentors and a Support System that truly set you up for success
  • The power of your Words and Thoughts (and how to change them so the floodgates to love and abundance are opened)
  • Various Laws of the Universe (and how to use them effectively and appropriately)
  • How to use the power of water or a pendulum to bring in more abundance (yes, we utilize all functional tools here)
  • And much more...

Each week you will receive two courses: one left-brained and one right-brained topic along with other self improvement tips along the way. These could be sent to you in form of eBooks, eMails, eCourses, Webinars, Podcasts, or Videos. There are no personal meetings to attend or tests to take.

Left-brained topics are practical business courses such as how to start a business, business plan writing tips, social networking, blogging, article writing, etc.

Right-brained topics are courses that range from fear of abundance and how to overcome this fear, building a successful support team around you, practicing self care, understanding and practicing the laws of the Universe, discovering what you're really great at, etc.


The best part about Abundance University is that we're not only talking a good talk, we're also helping you earn a generous income as an affiliate. We believe in utmost balance and therefore pay you 30-50% of anyone you refer to us. And believe me, when you see what we have to offer, you won't be able to withhold all this great information. You can easily earn hundreds or thousands of dollars every month! 


Participating as a member of Abundance University will allow you to shed limiting beliefs about yourself and instead give you the wind you need under your wings so you can fly as high as you'd like. You will feel empowered,  confident, unstoppable and ready to do things you have been wanting to do for a long time! In addition you will have the opportunity to do what you love and tell others about your amazing transformation and in exchange you'll get generously rewarded by earning hundreds, even thousands of dollars every month. There is no ceiling as to how much you can earn!


Abundance University allows you to learn and grow from the comfort of your home and at your own timing. All courses and workshops will be delivered to you via eMail, eBook, eCourse, Video, Podcast and more.


Everyone from all over the world can participate because we are an eUniversity. Whether you're in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia or in America, you can participate in all areas of our program, including our income opportunity.


A membership with Abundance University costs less than $2 a day and automatically enrolls you as an affiliate, which means that as soon as you become a member you have the opportunity to earn income from your referrals.


As soon as you become a member you automatically also become an affiliate with your own website link. When you tell people about Abundance University simply give them your dedicated link. For every person who becomes a member as a result of your efforts we will pay you 30% of their monthly recurring membership fee. Think of it this way, you tell them about Abundance University, they sign up and we pay you 30% on a monthly basis, over and over again for as long as your referral remains a paying member. Note: We are working to create a 2-tier affiliate program, which means that you will get 30% of your direct referrals as well as 20% of your referrals' referrals for a total of 50%.


Yes! Have you ever paid your dues for months or years and as soon as you quit your membership all your rights and with it all the content you've paid for are out the window? It's not fair and we don't do this to you. If you come into hardship and need to cancel your membership for whatever reason, your login information will remain active and you will be able to come back and review the contents you have received and paid for. If at a later time you want to rejoin you can easily do so and simply pick up where you left off.

With the help of Abundance University you are ready to embrace the life you have always wanted and help others do the same. 

Get ready to change your life by signing up below to be among the first to find out about our official launch date!


  1. Wow - This is EXACTLY what I've been needing and looking for. I already subscribed, when will you launch??

  2. My friend just forwarded me this link and I really need help with my business. Please tell me you will be open for business soon!?

  3. I'm in desperate need of social networking classes, in particular Facebook. Will you cover this topic?

  4. Thank you for your interest! We are planning to launch in the next few weeks. The exact launch date is still being worked out.

    Yes, Randy, we will cover Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, and many other social networking classes too.

  5. My friend just told me about this and I can't wait for this to start! I have a question though, I live in Eastern Europe and I really want to build my first internet business. Can this work for me also?

  6. Hi Ericka, yes, you will be able to use our payment processor as it can take and make payments in over 190 countries!
