You're Subscribed!

Congratulations and thank you for subscribing!

Abundance University will launch in the next few weeks and we promise you will be amazed at what you we have to offer!

For now start writing some lists and have them ready for our grand opening.

Here are some ideas for you:
  • Write a list of your greatest fears and then rate them with #1 being your greatest fear, etc. (we will explain this later)
  • Write a list of ideas you have for your life. These can be business ideas, inventions, things you'd like to experience during t his life time (and yes, we will explain this later in one of our courses also)
  • Write a list with all the things you need help with (either for your current business, job or a new venture you'd like to start)
  • Write a list of your pleasant things and feelings you wish to experience each and every day (we will explain this in one of our classes later)
Work on these lists each and every day, add to them as needed. 

Read the last list (pleasant things) daily until you hear from us about what steps to take next!

We look forward to working with you and helping you achieve the amazing and abundant life you deserve!

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